Washington Square Citizens League is a nonpartisan, not-for-profit educational organization dedicated to motivating Hopkinson House residents to become engaged in the political and social processes of the day.
Founded in 1996, WSCL offers an array of activities, including informative programs and regular meetings organized around interest groups. The membership year is from July 1 – June 30. Annual dues for 2023-2024 are $10 per person, $20 per couple. Questions? Contact . WSCL 2023-24 Membership Form
Come hear Inquirer architecture critic Inga Saffron!
Questions We Should Be Asking About the Proposed Sixers Arena
Thursday, December 4,
7:30 – 8:30 pm
Zubrow Auditorium, Pennsylvania Hospital, 800 Spruce St. (8th St. entrance)
Seating is limited. Reserve your seat(s) today!
OR aim your camera on the QR code and click on the site.
Sponsored by Washington Square Citizens League
The Mediterranean Diet:
Can it improve your cardiac health?
Monday, November 13, 7:00 pm, Solarium
Moderated by Charlene Compher, PhD, RD, LDN
A WSCL-HHOA Social Committee Event. All HH residents are welcome!
Potluck Supper!
Sunday, November 19, 5:00 pm
A WSCL-HHOA Social Committee Event.
All HH residents are welcome! Watch for the sign-up sheet in November.
WSCL Evening Discussion Group
Topical discussion sessions take pace on selected Monday evenings, 7:00 p.m. in the Hopkinson House Solarium unless otherwise noted. Knowledgeable Hopkinson House residents lead the discussions. Handouts generally are emailed to WSCL members about a week in advance.
- Monday, October 30, Gun Violence in Philadelphia: What are the causes? What’s the solution? Moderated by Bonnie Raines
- Monday, November 6, Tax Abatement in Philadelphia: What are the benefits and the drawbacks? Moderated by Gary Mucciaroni
- Monday, December 4, Dysfunction in Congress: Did the Founding Fathers miss something? Moderated by David Kurkowski
WSCL Book Group & Crime Novels Group
Meetings take place in the solarium Library.
- Date TBA, Crime Novels Group, A ROYAL FLUSH by Rhys Bowen
- Sunday, November 19, 4:00 p.m., HORSE by Geraldine Brooks <Note early start time!
- January, Crime Novels Group, THE MURDER OF ROGER AKROYD by Agatha Christie
- February Crime Novels Group, A COLD DAY FOR MURDER by Dana Stabenow
CURTAIN UP! WSCL Theatre Discussion Group
Theatre-lovers meet monthly on Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. to discuss plays attended and more. The group meets in the upper Solarium unless otherwise noted.
- October 24
- November 28
- December 19
WSCL Monday Evening Speaker Series
Evening programs in the Hopkinson House Solarium feature local movers and shakers, who have included Governor Ed Rendell, Philadelphia Inquirer columnists, government officials, and political candidates. Events offer the opportunity to meet-and-greet over refreshments before the program and Q&As. All Hopkinson House residents and their guests are welcome. Speakers and dates TBA
WSCL Reel Discussion Group
Film-goers meet monthly to discuss a critically acclaimed film with social and/or political themes of interest to members. The Sunday sessions begin at 4:30 p.m. in the Hopkinson House upper Solarium. Group members receive a ballot on the Tuesday before the meeting, and the group’s selected film is announced by Thursday morning. Participants view the movie on their own before attending the guided discussion. Watch for meeting dates for Fall 2023.