A Brief Introduction to the Hopkinson House Owners’ Association Council
By David Roberts

Hopkinson House is a typical condominium. The owners of its apartments also jointly own the whole condominium. Each owner possesses not only an apartment, or apartments, but also a proportional share of all the building’s common elements – the elevators, the corridors, the outer walls of the building, etc. An apartment plus its share of the common elements is known as a unit, and the size of the unit determines the size of its owner’s vote to elect members of the governing Council.

A condominium is controlled by an association of all its owners, who elect a board or council to see that their wishes for the building are carried out. The job of the council is not management but governance. Our Council, typically, is like the board of directors of a company, which hires managers to conduct the daily business of the company. Council members are not expected to be expert in the operation and management of the building. Instead they are responsible for seeing that a competent manager or management company is in place, and that the management is caring for and operating the building according to the best interests of its owners. The Council decides how much money the owners must pay for the care and operation of the building, and how much the management may spend in doing its job, as set out in each year’s budget.
Note: This article was excerpted from a supplemental issue of On The House, published March, 2011

David Roberts served on the Council from 2005–2006 and was President from 2007–2009.

Council of the
Hopkinson House Owners’ Association

2024 – 2025
(Term expires)
Sarah Kelly (April 2025)
Lawrence Meehan (April 2025)
Secretary, LJ Steinig (April 2026)

Bruce Chamberlin (April 2026)
Millie Korn (April 2025)
Robert Krebs (April 2026)
Robert Parsky (April 2026)

Council Committees 2024

Design Committee
Barbara Grabias
Stephanie McClellan
Sunny Feldman
James Scott
Neil McLaughlin
Gail Winkler
Mindy Bartscherer
Council Liaison: LJ Steinig

Engineering & Environmental Committee
James Campbell: Chair
Peter Bartscherer
Bill Stigliani
Willett Kempton
Sandra Garz
Joe Salerno
Barbara Grabias
Council Liaison: Bob Parsky

Finance Committee

Catherine Ramaswamy
Ann Roantree
Jean Papaj
Nancy Gross
Neil McLaughlin
Kevin Coghlan
Sandra Garz
Council Liaison: Larry Meehan

Landscape Committee
Sophie D’Agostino
Barbara Gold
Gail Winkler
Tom Carroll
Sue Carroll
Mindy Silver
Victoria Kirkham
Dennis McGlade
Rosina Coltellaro
Joe Salerno
Lisa Schwab
Council Liaison: Bruce Chamberlin

Lynn Miller
Martha Cornog
Jean Papaj
Council Liaison: Sarah Kelly

Pool Committee
Barbara Gold
Betta Kolansky
Jo Anna Farber
Diane GaNun
Joyce Portnoy
Toni O’Neil
Laura Sadtler
Rosina Coltellaro
Council Liaison: Rob Krebs

Social Committee
Betta Kolansky
Bari Shor
Sandra Shachar-Kranoff
Council Liaison: Millie Korn

History Committee
Gail Winkler
Nancy Jaslow
Victoria Kirkham
Joe Quinn
Rebecca Yamin
Frank  Niepold
Margaret Garvin
Council Liaison: Bob Parsky